Used to decide whether servlet will be " lazily " or " eagerly " loaded.
Specified in web.xml file. If the value is not specified or is a Number < 0 then it means " lazy loading "
What " lazy loading " means is that servlet is
NOT loaded by container on startup Servlet in this case is loaded on the first client request - so the first client can experience poor performance
" Eager " loading means that the servlet is initialised on container startup If there are two servelts A & B with values 0 & 1 than it means that Servlet A ( having value = 0 ) will be loaded first So if there are more than one servlet this element specifies the order of loading - lower integer values ( including zero ) are loaded first
If you specify this element but do not provide the value - even then the servlet will be the first servlet that gets loaded
To ensure that servlet follows " lazy loading " - do not provide this entry at all in web.xml file OR provide a negative number